2018, Charcoal Drawing
At Rhode Island School of Design, during my freshman year, I extensively explored charcoal as a foundational medium. These drawings exhibit a diverse range of subjects, styles, and compositions, capturing moments through light, shadow, and texture. From life studies to still life compositions and landscapes, each piece tells a unique visual story. They reflect my artistic exploration and development, demonstrating depth, emotion, and personal expression. These drawings represent the growth and potential achieved during my foundational year at the school.

2018, Mixed Media

2017, Poster Design

2018, Oil Painting & Pen Drawing & Digital Work

2018, Sound Wave Poster Design

2018, Color Drawing

Using a multitude of colors across various materials serves as a powerful means to broaden expressions and convey ideas in art. The intentional selection and application of diverse color palettes, coupled with the use of different mediums, amplify the visual impact of the artwork.

2017, Figure Drawings

Figure drawing is a fundamental and expressive art form that involves capturing the human figure's form, proportions, and movement through sketching or rendering. Through this artistic practice, I have gained valuable insights into the intricate nuances of people's bodies, understanding the subtleties of anatomy, posture, and gestures.

2017, Sculpture

Each material presents unique challenges, adding excitement to the creative process and expanding the expressive potential of the artwork.